Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Taco Tuesday!

Sort of...

My parents were in town last week (we had a lovely visit!).  
Among other tid bits, they brought delicious tortillas from a restaurant we used to frequent growing up.
There were 36 in the pack (notice my use of past tense...).  Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of a good taco, but I wasn't sure we could eat 36 tortillas and I certainly didn't want these wonderful things to go to waste!

Enter the Delicious and Probably Nutritious Tortilla Chip recipe!
(just in case you have 36 extra tortillas laying around too...)
(oh, and I used corn tortillas)

You'll need:
olive oil
sea salt (optional)
friends to share your delicious creation with!

To start, set your oven to 400 degrees:

Then, slice your tortillas into small wedges (I use a handy dandy pizza cutter!)

Once your slices are laid out in a single layer on a cookie sheet (or two or three), spray or drizzle with olive oil (the Misto is an awesome invention!).  If you'd like some salt, add that now.

Bake for about 10 minutes.  Be sure to check on them around the 10 minute mark though and stay near the oven.  Once they start to brown, they go quick!

Ta Da!  
You've just created a delicious snack that is great with hummus, guacamole, salsa, you name it!
Enjoy and Blessings on this Taco Tuesday

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